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Friday, April 20, 2018

Where have you been?

I have been busy adulting at 33. 👩

I have busied myself with married life. Work. Earning money. Investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies and losing a bit and finally stopping playing around with them haha.

I stopped Facebooking, Instagramming and all sorts of social media.
I realized how I hated to be connected to the internet these days...even before all these Mark Zuckerberg scandal happened, I already started losing interest with all sorts of millennial stuffs. Meh. I am millennial but I am anti millennial. Gosh, I sound so anti social ne? hahaha. My negativity doesn't stop there lol...

I broke up with friends. I decided that I can't be friendly anymore.
I decided that if people like me, they will be loyal to me. And if I don't see that in a person, then by all means, goodbye. Sad. But, I don't want to pretend to like anymore. I could talk more about this in the next entry (on which I don't really do haha)

And my skin? My skin is losing me. My skin is the only interest that I finally was able to resuscitate and I guess, still remains as a Cecily persona. I am still concerned about my SKIN! my acne prone and acne scarred skin.
I have only went to one dermatologist since going to Japan in 2015. That one time was when I visited Philippines back home. I only did some basic glycolic peeling. Actually, I can barely remember what I did...I forgot what it feels to prettify one self ever since I got married.
Its true. Once you get married, you forget a part of yourself. And as lazy as that sounds...I forgot how to feel pretty. All I can think of is to save money for our future or actually, for my future and for our traveling? haha. I don't exactly know why I push myself to save. Ah! It is to have a good retirement plan. Now let's move on...

Nope I am not a Mom yet. I guess, the Lord knows I am still a paranoid person and if I bring another life in this world with my paranoid brain, it will disrupt the brain of that cute little being.

Let's go back to skin.
I am slowly regaining my old self. The one who likes to feel pretty. The kikay Cecily.
I think it began last week? I accidentally saw one Youtube of a Dermatologist. His name is Dr. Davin Lim. He is from Brisbane and he is a laser specialist. He regained back my interest in taking care of my skin.

I almost wanted to fly from Japan to Brisbane but hold on to your money woman!✋

So, my next option is South Korea. But I think its too mendouksai. (Japanese word for hassle) ---> I find myself saying this often.

So, my next option is here in Tokyo.

I will finally roadtest the dermatology field here today. I am primarily concerned about my scars. I think part of the reason why I am so grumpy is my scars. I always think that people who talks to me are always saying, "what a waste of pretty face." haha. pretty daw, feelingera haha. Anyway, I'm getting out now to prepare. Hopefully, I will update.

, Cecily

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