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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Doing some home improvement

Ive been trying to fix our home so we can make our lives much pleasant despite the lack of space. We live in a mansion. In Japan, they call it mansion but the size of the building is like between a condominum and apartment. We are still trying to save for our next home with a wider space but for now, we will make use of this. 🔨🔧

I want to change the closet that my hubs presently have. It only carries his own jackets and coats (unfair lol). I saw this black moving wardrobe in Ikea's website (picture below) and Im thinking of buying 2. One for me and one for him. I dont think its enough but it will force my hubs to clean his closet lol. Costs roughly 3k Yen each.💡

Now, for the shelves. Our toiletties and his and hers beauty products plus the dish and food keeper are quite unruly so Ive been thinking really hard how to keep it nice looking. I bought these silver metals in Daiso and can be easily assembled. I could post a pic of the outcome but I think it could be improved more...once I finish this project, I will show it. I plan to make it look rustic/bohemian/handcrafted. But Im quite hessitant because it is going to be a dust magnet but we will see...⏳

Im also looking for a cheap small beautiful Christmas tree and decors 🎄. Ive been so busy looking at diferent locations. I just look and dont buy yet. Until I have exhausted all the locations with cheap finds, then I will finally buy lol

I am targetting 💯 yen shops. 300 yen shops are ok too but still expensive for a decor.

Yesterday I went to Seria in Ekimise Asakusa. Very classic shop but not much of a Christmas decor.

Today, I will go to Natural Kitchen in Skytree. Based from Google search, this 💯 yen shop has a lot of cuter stuffs than the ordinary Daiso.

Ttyl! 👋💕💋

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